‘Woh Apna Sa’ actor joins the cast of ‘Papa by Chance’

The upcoming show gets a new addition…

Actress Manasi Salvi will play actor Zebby Singh’s on-screen mother in the upcoming romantic comedy show ‘Papa By Chance‘.

Mansi’s character Sucharita Chopra is an elite business woman from Delhi, balancing her life between her son and marriage.

“Sucharita is tailor-made for me. In fact, I didn’t have to go through a screen test for this role because the makers of the show believed I was the perfect choice for the role,” Mansi said in a statement.

“Two things that I absolutely love about my character is her wardrobe and the delicacy with which she has been sketched out. I am sure that my audience is going to love my avatar in the new show,” she added.

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Categories: Papa By Chance
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