Colors’ Dil Se Dil Tak (Shashi Sumeet Productions) currently engrosses the viewers with a drama revolving around the kidnap of a minister. The ardent viewers of the show would know that since Teni (Jasmin Bhasin) and Parth (Rohan Gandotra) know about the crime, the duo is trying to escape from the clutches of the terrorists.
We recently saw how Parth challenges that the terrorists might kill him and not Teni. The episode culminates with one of the terrorists on the verge to slit Parth’s neck with a sword.
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In the upcoming episodes, Parth and Teni will finally escape and Teni’s fiancé, Iqbal (Iqbal Khan), will take the two to home to meet his mother and the extended family. As a part of the track focusing on a get together, the episode will progress to a lighter note where Iqbal’s aunt (Khalla) will scold him for not picking her up from the station and will remind him that he will have to pick Rashida ( Iqbal’s aunt’s daughter) the next day.
Iqbal will explain how it was because of the terrorist fiasco that he could not be available at the station. What will happen next is something you will get to know once the episode goes on air.
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