Life OK’s newly launched daily Dream Girl (Shashi Sumeet Productions) is definitely about Lakshmi, who idolizes yesteryear’s superstar Ayesha and wants to become like her. But somehow more than the bubbly, chirpy and positive Lakshmi, the shrewd, scheming and cunning Ayesha catch our attention.
And here we will present you with five reasons why we are in love with Ayesha in Dream Girl. Have a look…
The Woman
Yes, she is the woman. Ayesha is a strong, modern, independent woman, who is not only an actress but also runs her production house. And unlike women of other shows she does not dedicate all her life just to prepare foods for members of the family. Like a true spirited strong and independent woman she has that ‘I-give-a-damn’ attitude and lives her life on her own terms.
Glam Queen
Ayesha is a yesteryear’s superstar and still is the glam queen. Even if it is a traditional saree clad avatar she pulls it off with dignity. Her subtle make and sophisticated outfits is simply too classy to handle. And any girl would die to have such a collection of attires and make up in their wardrobe.
Being Human
Yes she is not the typical loving, forgiving and too-good-to-be-true leading ladies of daily soaps, rather she is very much like a commoner. Jealousy, anger, hatred, insecurity are all innate human qualities and just like Ayesha each one of us posses all these qualities. And perhaps all these negative qualities make Ayesha much more believable and much relatable to us.
Affectionate Nature
She might not admire everyone, but those whom she loves, she loves them fiercely. Though she has created lots of problems for Lakshmi, she is a doting sister to her brother Karan. She is also very much fond of her friend Amrita and is truly compassionate about her beloved friend.
Competitive Streak
Ayesha is competitive and we like that. Yes, we do admit that the measures and techniques that she opts for to prove her opponent an unworthy one are definitely not fair. But all of us love to have that little competent streak in us, don’t we? And with Ayesha possessing that quality makes her admirable.
We know that though not being an out-and-out positive character, even our readers love Ayesha. If you also agree with us then share and retweet the article and let us know about your thoughts in the comment section below.